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Maggie’s story

Donate to Lighthouse this tax-time to help us break the cycle of homelessness.


“If I had to think of where I feel most at home, I’d still say Lighthouse.”

At the age of 16, Maggie never imagined that she would ever be at risk of homelessness. Sadly, repeated patterns of family violence saw her life change forever, and her world fell to pieces.

Maggie began to act out and found herself in a downward spiral of depression, leading to a breakdown in her family home and nowhere to go for support.

She was referred to Lighthouse’s therapeutic program and was welcomed into her new home. She slowly began to heal with the help of Lighthouse’s Care team and Clinicians. The trajectory of her life began to slowly change.

“The Care team at Lighthouse didn’t just give me a place to stay; they heard me when I thought nobody in the world could.”


A letter from our FOUNDER

It breaks my heart that family violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children in Australia, with family violence rates increasing in Victoria by a staggering 6.7%. This needs to urgently change

At Lighthouse, we are dedicated to ending youth homelessness, together. We wholeheartedly believe that every young person deserves a safe and caring home for as long as it takes for them to heal and thrive.

Lighthouse Foundation has provided high quality ongoing care and support that has helped change the lives of more than 1230 vulnerable young people to date. But there is still much more work to be done.

With your donation this tax-time, Lighthouse Foundation can continue our life-changing work with more children and young people like Maggie who need our ongoing care and support. 

A donation today will help stop the cycle of intergenerational trauma and homelessness caused by family violence.

Please join us in making a profound difference to young people’s lives.

With heartfelt thanks,
Susan Barton AM
Founder, Lighthouse Foundation


Donate to our tax appeal today

This tax-time, young people like Maggie need your donation more than ever. Donate to Lighthouse today to help break the cycle of homelessness.

Become a Lighthouse Keeper

Your ongoing donation makes a difference.

Giving $50

goes towards a backpack full of essentials for young people first arriving at a Lighthouse home.

Foster Care IconGiving $150

goes towards warm bedding and clothes to make a young person feel at home over winter.

Giving $500

can contribute to ongoing counselling sessions run by Lighthouse Clinicians for young people to begin to heal from their trauma.

Lighthouse Foundation is also a deductible gift recipient (DGR). The minimum tax-deductible donation amount to Lighthouse Foundation is $5.

Your personal data will be used to process your donation, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

Donate here


Who is Lighthouse Foundation?

Lighthouse Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting and empowering young people experiencing homelessness in Australia. We provide safe homes, essential services, and comprehensive support programs to help vulnerable youth rebuild their lives.

What is a tax-deductible donation?

A tax-deductible donation is a voluntary gift of money or property made to a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) organisation. In Australia, such donations can be claimed as a deduction on your income tax return, reducing your taxable income.

What is youth homelessness?

Youth homelessness refers to the condition in which young people lack stable and safe accommodation. This can include sleeping rough, couch-surfing, or staying in temporary shelters. Homelessness among youth can result from various factors, including family breakdown, domestic violence, mental health issues, and financial instability.

What are the long-term effects of youth homelessness?

Youth homelessness can have profound and lasting effects on individuals’ physical health, mental well-being, education, employment prospects, and overall quality of life.

Without adequate support, homeless youth may face increased risks of substance abuse, exploitation, mental illness, and involvement in criminal activities.

How prevalent is youth homelessness in Australia?

Youth homelessness remains a significant social issue in Australia.

According to the latest Census data, 44,000 young Australians experience homelessness on any given night. Factors such as housing affordability, family conflict, and insufficient support services contribute to this ongoing challenge.

What services does Lighthouse Foundation provide to homeless youth?

Lighthouse offers a range of services aimed at addressing the complex needs of homeless youth.

These include safe housing, mental health support, education and employment assistance, life skills training, and access to healthcare.

The Lighthouse Model of Care focuses on empowering young people to overcome barriers and achieve independence.

How can I support Lighthouse Foundation's mission to end youth homelessness other than the Tax Appeal?

There are several ways to support Lighthouse and our efforts to end youth homelessness.

You can make a donation to fund our programs and services, volunteer your time and skills, advocate for policy changes that address the underlying causes of homelessness, or participate in fundraising events and campaigns.

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a meaningful difference in the lives of young people in need.

“This floor, this warm carpet, this room that has a door I can close ... is all I need,” Asan told the carers. “This is the best I have ever known. You can put another person in that bed.”


“learning to live with structure and allowing someone else to care for me was hard”, but for the first time, in a long time, she was safe.

Bianca and baby Kaylan's story

Lighthouse has given Dylan a ‘safe place’ – somewhere to call home. He has developed strong bonds with members of our Care team and prefers to hang out with his Carers and other Lighthouse community members rather than being involved with negative influences.

Dylan's Story

I'm wondering why I never contacted these guys sooner! Seriously, they all have commendable talent in their respective fields and knocked my concept out of the ballpark. Thanks for an amazing experience!

Jack GrahamCo Founder, Coffee Inc
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